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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Still more of the model...

More pics of the MS River model and it's features...
The river channel and a small backwater or tributary?
I think this is a smaller river joining with the Mighty Mississippi...
Another picture depicting the scope of this model, it just keeps on going forever it seems...
And I'm assuming these are mileage markers.
Inside one of the buildings along the model, I found this room full of rolls of paper with small holes punched in it. Some kind of test results or experiment findings I suppose..
One end of a roll close up. It reads "Tenn. River - KY Dam, 1973 flood, Final Verification Data"
one of the rolls on a shelf
The water tower next to the main pump house
This is the main pumping station, the roof over the water holding area is collapsing badly.
This is a walkway going into the main pump house
My exploration partner would go no further... she didn't like the open mesh gangway very much.
inside the flooded pump house, holding tank of sorts, I would guess
doorway into the pump room
Inside the main pump room..
Hoist hanging from the ceiling...
Not a clock, not a thermometer..
just outside a building next to the pump house
Below ground pump, there were several of these every 100 feet or so on both sides of the model
Steel box fastened to concrete pad, which was the only thing inside a chain link fence with barbed wire around the top... makes you wonder what they kept in there.
moss growing in the river bottom...
The "rims" or edges of these waterways have a metal strip embedded, looks as if the metal was a "form" of sorts for the concrete.

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